
She is eating poop

Dog, Mixed
10 months, Female
Issue details
Main concern
2 day(s), 
Dr. Valliyatte
Dr.Tail Vet

Eating feces, known as coprophagia, can be quite concerning for pet owners, but it's actually a relatively common behavior in dogs, particularly in puppies. There are several reasons why your dog might be engaging in this behavior.

Firstly, it's possible that your dog is experiencing a nutritional deficiency. Dogs sometimes eat feces if they are lacking certain nutrients in their diet. To address this, ensure that your dog is consuming a well-balanced, high-quality diet that is appropriate for her age and size.

Another reason could be simple curiosity and exploration. Puppies often explore their environment with their mouths, and this behavior might just be part of that natural exploration process.

Additionally, your dog might be seeking attention. If she receives attention—whether positive or negative—when she eats feces, she might continue the behavior to get more of your focus.

Boredom or anxiety can also lead to coprophagia. It's important to provide your dog with plenty of toys and activities to keep her mentally stimulated and engaged.

To help curb this behavior, there are a few strategies you can try. Promptly cleaning up feces from your yard or any area your dog has access to can prevent her from eating it. Training her with commands like "leave it" can also discourage the behavior. There are dietary supplements available that are designed to make feces taste unpleasant to dogs, which can deter them from eating it. Additionally, increasing her physical and mental exercise can help reduce boredom and anxiety.

Keep an eye on her behavior, and if it persists or if you notice any changes in her health, it would be wise to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues. If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, please feel free to ask. Thank you.