
He has been lethargic recently as well as threw up once the day before yesterday and since has been coughing persistently almost trying to throw up but can’t get it out.

Bon bon
Dog, Shih Tzu
1 year 10 months, Male
Issue details
Main concern
3 day(s), 
Other issues
Loss of appetite, 
Dr. Onesi
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm really sorry to hear that your Shih Tzu is feeling unwell. Given the combination of symptoms—vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, and persistent coughing—there are several potential causes that could be at play. These symptoms can sometimes indicate a respiratory infection, gastrointestinal issues, or even something more serious like a blockage or toxin ingestion.

For the vomiting, since it's brown and not bloody or black, it might be related to something he ate or a minor gastrointestinal upset. However, the persistent coughing and lethargy are concerning, especially since they have been ongoing for a few days.

Here are a few things you can do at home while monitoring his condition:

1. Ensure he has access to fresh water at all times to prevent dehydration, especially if he's been vomiting.
2. Offer small, bland meals like boiled chicken and rice to see if he can keep it down.
3. Keep him in a calm and quiet environment to reduce stress and allow him to rest.
4. Monitor his coughing and note if it gets worse or if he starts showing any difficulty breathing.

Given the severity and persistence of his symptoms, I strongly recommend taking him to a veterinarian as soon as possible. The vet can perform a thorough examination and may need to run some tests to determine the underlying cause and provide the appropriate treatment. It's important to address these symptoms promptly to ensure he gets the care he needs.

If you have any further questions please ask us. Thank you.