
Limping on right leg and has loss of appetite

Dog, Labrador Retriever
8 years 2 months, Male
Issue details
Main concern
8 day(s)
Dr. Brown
Dr.Tail Vet

Limping in dogs, particularly in an older Labrador Retriever, can stem from various causes such as arthritis, a sprain, or an injury. It's not uncommon for a loss of appetite to accompany limping, as discomfort or pain might be contributing factors, or it could be due to another underlying issue.

To address the limping, you might begin by gently examining your dog's right leg. Look for any signs of swelling, heat, or visible injuries. If your dog is comfortable with it, you can also gently feel along the leg to identify any particularly tender areas. It's important to ensure your dog gets plenty of rest and to avoid any strenuous activities like running or jumping for a few days.

Regarding the loss of appetite, you could try offering your dog some bland, easily digestible foods such as boiled chicken and rice. Always ensure that your dog has access to fresh water. Keep an eye out for any additional symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy, as these could indicate a more serious condition.

Should the limping and loss of appetite continue for more than a few days, or if your dog appears to be in significant pain or distress, it would be advisable to consult a veterinarian for a thorough examination and appropriate treatment.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.