
Early this morning, Dixie, had blood coming from her nose, her whole body was twitching and she seems like she is lifeless but not, because she was twitching. Every few mintues she would let out a soft welp. She has since passed on. Im just trying to find out what the possible cause was. She was absolutely perfectly fine yesterday. This happened like a flick of a light switch.

Dog, Mixed
3 years 9 months, Female
Issue details
Main concern
1 day(s)
Dr. Millden
Dr.Tail Vet

I'm truly sorry to hear about Dixie's sudden passing. Losing a beloved pet is always heartbreaking, especially when it happens so unexpectedly. The symptoms you described, such as nosebleeding, body twitching, and the soft welping, could indicate a few potential causes.

One possibility is that Dixie experienced a seizure. Seizures can sometimes be triggered by underlying conditions like epilepsy, exposure to toxins, or even a brain injury. The sudden onset and severity of the symptoms might also suggest exposure to a toxin or poison, which can lead to neurological symptoms and bleeding. Another potential cause could be a cardiovascular event, such as a stroke or heart failure, which can sometimes present with similar symptoms.

Unfortunately, without a veterinary examination or an autopsy, it's difficult to determine the exact cause. If you have any substances or plants around your home that could be harmful, it might be worth investigating whether Dixie could have come into contact with them.

Again, I'm very sorry for your loss. If you have any further questions or need support, please feel free to reach out. Thank you.