
My leopard gecko has a red spot on her nose that appeared about one or two days ago. She hasn't seemed to be rubbing it or licking it a lot so it doesn't seem to be bothering her a lot yet but I want to catch it before it does. She has never had any problems. Her habitat is cleaned regularly and she is fed and has water all the time.
I would love to know the cause and what I can do to help

Others, Gecko
3 years 11 months, Female
Issue details
Main Concern
Dr. Windom
Dr.Tail Vet

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Could you please upload additional photos of the red spot on your gecko's nose? That would be very helpful for a better answer.
As Leopard Gecko grows, it is normal for the pattern of the body to change little by little. However, if the red spot is only at the tip of her nose and looks like a sore or an erosion, it is likely to be a skin wound or a lesion caused by bacterial infection.
Small, minor wounds heal easily if she doesn't rub or scratch them. However, in the case of infectious sore caused by bacteria, if not treated immediately, it spreads to the surroundings and takes more time and money to treat. Therefore, it is necessary to take her to an animal hospital to identify the cause. Thank you.


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Thank you for your help. I have been having a hard time finding a reptile clinic near me. I am in Washington near Everett.


Now she has a spot on her tail and i’m unsure what it is

Dr. Windom

Sorry for the late answer. Those abnormal spots are highly likely to be bacterial or fungal infections considering the lesion in the nose. The readily available antibiotics for human can be difficult to keep up with the right dose for Gekko or can be toxic, so it's better to take her to a vet as much as possible. Thank you.