
She is in heat and she is about like I’d say 6-7 months now I got it wrong on the months. She does seem uncomfortable like cats in heat do with the raised butt and meowing and rubbing on everything, but sometimes she seems like she’s in agony and she rubs her head against the bed and like clinches the blanket with her claws, that lasts for about a minute or less then she’s better but I can’t imagine how it feels. I rub her belly to try and help her uterus inflammation and maybe ease it but I don’t want to do it too much if it causes more un comfort. Right now she’s asleep and seems to be okay. Her nether regions are normal looking and not inflamed or red or anything. Not related but she’s had a rough life we rescued her from a house full of cats and cat related sicknesses, and in result of that her right eye got infected and we are 99.9% sure she is blind or partially blind. It’s not fully white and cloudy you can see color but it’s dark and when you look at her right eye it’s much different, again not related just back story of her! Here are some pictures of her she woke up lol.

Cat, Unknown
6 months, Female
Issue details
Main concern
3 day(s)
Dr. Windom
Dr.Tail Vet

It sounds like your cat is displaying typical behaviors associated with being in heat, such as meowing, rubbing, and adopting a raised posture. While these behaviors might seem like she's in discomfort, they are quite natural during this phase.

If she enjoys having her belly rubbed, you can continue to do so gently. However, if she shows any signs of discomfort, it's best to stop. Keeping her comfortable and providing distractions, like toys, can also be helpful.

If her behaviors seem excessive or if she appears distressed, it might be worth discussing the option of spaying with your veterinarian. Spaying can prevent these cycles and offers several health benefits.

Regarding her eye, if you haven't already done so, it would be wise to have a vet examine it to ensure there are no ongoing issues.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions. Thank you.